On social media, rumors of Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's divorce have been circulating for a long time. When Abhishek and Aishwarya went separately at a well-known wedding last month, the suspicions got fueled. After that, Abhishek fuelled the suspicions by liking an Instagram post regarding the rise in grey divorces.
Pradip Almadi, 69, complained to the police that Jayanta Roy and Divya Kushwaha had rented his apartment at the Galaxy Apartment complex in Bandstand, Bandra (West).
Recently, fans have been speculating that things between Abhishek and Aishwarya might not be going well. After Abhishek "liked" a post regarding a divorce and Aishwarya attended a wedding alone last month, rumours started to circulate. The pair hasn't released a statement, but according to several newspapers, Abhishek discussed the rumours with a foreign media source.
B was going to play a terrorist from Pakistan who is enraged and wants to get revenge on India in the film. Abhishek was excited about the idea and even prepared by keeping a journal about his persona for a year.
In the midst of all of this, an old video of Jaya's daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai became viral online. In it, she can be seen seeming shocked when a journalist named her "Aishwarya Rai Bachchan." The journalist introduces Aishwarya Rai at the start of the video, using "Rai Bachchan" as her last name.
Rajya Sabha Chairperson Jagdeep Dhankhar responded to this light-hearted comment with a spectacular burst of laughter. Along with Dhankhar, several opposition MPs laughed during the session, including Congress's Jairam Ramesh and AAP member Raghav Chadha. Jaya Bachchan and Jagdeep Dhankhar then had a light-hearted conversation.
Aishwarya brought her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan along to the wedding. Many began to wonder if Aish and Abhi were having problems. The actor from Manmarziyaan later liked an Instagram picture about being divorced, which fuelled suspicions that the marriage was going through a difficult time.