MUMBAI: World Environment Day is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging awareness for the protection of our environment. It has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, human overpopulation, and global warming. It has grown to become a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually.
Here’s how these TV actors protect the environment.
Rajesh Kumar: I have a very different take on this day, because it is not about celebrating this day and then forgetting about it for the rest of the year. It should be an ongoing process. The environment is the way you are breathing every moment. You are breathing oxygen and you are releasing carbon dioxide. I think the relationship with that tree or the plant should be more because what you exhale is what the tree inhales and what tree exhales is the thing that you inhale, so there has to be a relationship established between both of you. I mean the trees, the plants, and the environment. I think my contribution towards it is that right now, I planted fifty thousand trees in Mumbai, which is just a start, and the moment you see a barren land, make it a point to go out with your children, colleagues, or your neighbours and plant some seeds. I mean instead of planting trees, just go and throw the seeds. If the rain is supposed to happen around that time, that seed will become a plant.
Angad Hasija: If I am with someone or with my friends and if they throw something on the road, I request them not to throw because I feel very bad if someone litters the streets. If I have a tissue or something like that, I put it on the side in my car or else I keep the tissue in my pocket and then I throw it in the dustbin. If we improve this thing, then the environment would become much better. Doing it on your own is a big thing. I also feel that plants are very important for a fresh environment, and at home, I have kept some plants like palm trees and indoor plants. I like them a lot, and I make sure to take care of them too.
Subuhi Joshi: I believe we should totally stop using plastic at first. Taking small steps like dividing our garbage in degradable and biodegradable will play a major role in cleaning the environment. I prefer using paper bags and jute bags. And I believe in recycling. I also have a small garden at my place, and I keep adding a new plant to it every now and then.
Aniruddh Dave: I am a sanitation promoter and I tell everybody on the sets that they should not litter. I promote these things and I am a dog lover as well, and have given messages to everyone on social networking sites that 'If your dog poops, then you have to scoop'. So these are the things that people should take care of, and I am very keen for plantation as well and put forward messages for this as well. I myself love greenery, and even at my home in Mumbai, I have a lot of plants. I ensure that people on the sets throw coffee and cold drink cups in the dustbin. Protecting the environment is a necessity, and we as public figures should push the envelope.
Nishant Malkani: I don't waste water and electricity. I ensure wet and dry garbage is separated, and I am against anyone spitting on road. Small things make a difference. Each one of us needs to make an effort for the environment in the age of global warming, which is a big issue. We should all plant trees rather than cutting them. I totally believe in the green revolution. Plastic is banned. Still people are using it. Strict action needs to be taken against offenders.
Ira Sone: I recently made some mindful changes after reading about plastic pollution as it can afflict land, waterways, and oceans. I decided to discard all plastic items from my house, especially from the kitchen. It was a difficult process but my mother's old school and effective pointers helped me make this change. I’ve been persistent to help my friends make this change as well.
Sahil Anand: I am from Chandigarh, which is extremely beautiful, and basically, I am very fascinated with greenery. I am really into gardening. Chandigarh has many trees and gardens, and I am habituated to them. I make sure that now also where I am living, it has gardens around it. I also have a garden at my place where I have planted many plants. I love plants and I want to have a green environment around me. Obviously, I never throw garbage on the road or never spit or eat something that I have to spit. But I see people spitting, and we should do something against this. We should organize campaigns. Thanks to Modi sir, the problem of green garbage, wet garbage, and dry garbage has really been taken care of, and I see people following it. I am very glad that it’s happening.
Sana Makbul Khan: The basic thing would be that it all starts from yourself. If you on your own take care that there's no litter around you, you yourself take a step forward that will go a long way. On World Environment Day, I would like to urge people to stay away from plastics. People are still using plastics and that shouldn't be permitted.

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