Every love story is beautiful!
When we talk about TV onscreen couples, our favorite is Tashan-e-Ishq pair Twinkle (Jasmin Basin) and Kunj (Siddhant Gupta).
Their secretive love, cute nok-jhoks, caring and affectionate behavior make them an ideal couple on television.
Well, if you are in love and if your partner is like Twinkle or Kunj, here are five reasons why your love story is similar to theirs.
You are good looking couple:
Like Twinkle and Kunj, even your pairing is good looking. When you both smile, photographers just can’t stop clicking. You’ll make an ideal couple and people love seeing you both together.
You care for each other
The caring and affection part of you play an important role in any relationship. Such fondness keeps the couple besotted forever.
You both have attitude problem
The way Twinkle-Kunj don’t like expressing their love for each other, the same way you shy away from saying the unspoken words. Call it ego or attitude, this habit isn’t always healthy.
You fight but still can’t live without each other
Like Twinkle and Kunj, even you both come together after nok-jhoks and fights… then you are definitely made for each other. Remember, anger is temporary but love is permanent.
Your parents are against your relationship
Every parent cares for their kids and like Twinkle and Kunj, even yours are against your relationship. Twinkle and Kunj have always overcome all problems and have stayed together. If you stand by your partner, your love story definitely matches them.
Is your relationship like Kunj and Twinkle’s? Then hit the SHARE and LIKE button now!!!

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